Hair Care Life Hacks in Simple Steps

Luxurious hair is what almost every person with long hair dreams of looking at in the mirror: silky, well-cared, soft. This dream can easily come true, even if you aren’t genetically predisposed to it. Focus on these simple life hacks and in a month you will be able to enjoy the best condition of your hair.

Blow-Dry Your Hair at Your Roots

There is a myth that blow-drying hair is very harmful. But this is just a myth. When your hair gets wet, it absorbs some of the water. This means it becomes weighty and overloaded. The longer it stays wet, the longer it stays in tension. Even the membrane complex can be destroyed because of it. 

Blow-drying, of course, can also be harmful — but only if we use the hairdryer incorrectly. The mistake many people make is that they start blow-drying their hair from the ends of the strands. But this technique will only make your hair flat. The same mistake occurs when the long-haired people wind their hair on a brush and begin to actively blow-dry it. For a more gentle technique, start from your roots. Start at the front of the head and dry each strand from root to tip, until your hair is dry. You will notice a big difference afterward.

Use Conditioner Only For The Length and Ends

The use of conditioner in daily hair care is an important component. A lot of people are questioning whether it makes sense to use conditioner if they already use shampoo. The main purpose of the shampoo is to clean the hair from dirt and oil. But hair, as well as skin, also need moisturizing. That’s where the conditioner comes in. 

Again, to get the maximum value, you have to use the right technique for applying the conditioner. First of all, use a small amount of hair conditioner. Then, apply it only to the length and ends of your hair. Avoid the roots! Conditioner burdens them and makes them greasy. The length down the middle, on the opposite, is the driest — and benefits the most from moisturizing. 

Brush Hair the Right Way

People do not pay much attention to how they brush their hair. But: you do this daily, even several times a day, so it significantly impacts the condition of your hair. The rule “the more, the better” does not work in this case. Scientists have proven that if people brush their hair more than 100 times a day, they’re harming it. 

Here is how you can do brushing right. Always start from the middle of your length and go slowly to the ends. After you untangle the ends, go up, and do the same technique until you go up to the roots. Never start brushing your hair from the roots. It is where most damage comes from. When it comes to wet hair, the brushing technique is the same. Just start from the ends and remove all the tangles on your way up. You can do it even with fingers if the brush is not effective in some cases. Move up to the roots gently and slowly and your hair will thank you for your patience.

Clean Hair Brushes

How often do you clean your hairbrush? This question may seem a little strange to you. Well, the thing is that the condition of your hair and your scalp directly depends on how often you do this. It is generally accepted that to keep the brush clean, you need to clean it with your hands, and even better, wash it with soap at least once a week. 

Naturally, you may have a logical question, why is this important? The thing is that particles of the skin from the scalp, fat, and the care products that you use can remain on small bristles. These residues, remaining on the brush after you’ve used it, will be rubbed into your head and hair when you brush it the next time. It can block the hair follicles — and that can slow down your hair growth and cause a deterioration in the general condition of the hair. But do not worry, the situation can be corrected if you make it a rule to clean the brushes at least once a week.

Sleep on Silk

Did you know that with regular sleep on silk pillows, you can significantly improve the overall condition of your hair in just a couple of weeks? Sounds incredible, doesn’t it? Let’s talk about how. 

Every owner of long hair is familiar with the situation when they get out of bed in the morning and see that all her hair is tangled and impossible to comb. 

Most often this is because we use cotton-based underwear for sleep. As a result, during the night, the hair rubs against the fabric and tangles. But what is most interesting, it gets drier, too, since cotton is a material that absorbs moisture. All this can be avoided if you start sleeping on silk pillows. Unlike cotton, silk does not dry out your hair. Besides, while sleeping on silk, the hair does not rub against the fabric but glides. With regular sleep on silk bedding, you can get rid of excessive dryness, brittleness, and tangles in your hair. After a while, you will see that the condition of your hair got much better!