Black can’t be black?

Black cumin oil Nigella Sativa is a treasure trove of vitamins, Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, thymoquinone, trace elements and various natural substances contained in it, this product is one of the most popular in folk medicine healing agent especially in the Arab countries. At the moment, various popular pharmaceutical corporations in many countries of the world add the oil in various medicines: as a pharmacological raw material black cumin is most actively used in Muslim countries (Egypt, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan) and such developed countries as France, Germany, Italy, England and America.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions. But we want to reveal the truth on one of them: quality cold-pressed black cumin oil cannot be black!

This interesting misconception usually sounds like this: cold-pressed oil produces transparent oil. If the product is dark, then the seeds were heated during processing.

This is what they often tell tourists in Egypt at El Baraka, Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Baraka Sharm oil factories, many bloggers (often for money) and pseudo-experts in the field of health and traditional medicine write about it.

This is not entirely true. The oil may well be well very black-black. Not for nothing it is sometimes called “dark oil”. The cumin seed itself is black, so if the oil is unfiltered and has a sediment of small fractions obtained during the pressing process, then the color will be from dark brown to deep black. Also Ethiopian seed oil will be quite dark even after purification from the sediment. By the way, the value of such oils is much higher, because the density of useful substances will be much higher than that of light oil.
So be careful!

Caraway oil is very popular nowadays, because of that some dishonest sellers counterfeit it, make it from the cheapest seeds, or dilute it with cheaper types of oil (sesame, olive, corn oil and even sunflower oil). And then they tell beautiful stories about how it can’t be black and that they are the ones with the lightest and best oil. Buyers don’t always realize it’s fake or fraudulent. Light oil is much easier to fake.

Know this! Natural, high quality caraway seed oil from Nigella Sativa can be transparent and light, black and slightly brown, with or without a sediment of several centimeters, with a mild to bitter taste, sharp and very specific, with a barely perceptible smell and very nasty, reminiscent of machine or technical oil. It all depends on the raw material, refining methods, bottling and production techniques.

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