Why water dries rather than moisturizes the skin

Water is thought to be the basis of life. It’s found in every cell of the body. And the loss of water from your skin cells is a major cause of wrinkles, flakiness, redness, and other unwanted blemishes. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t get rid of wrinkles by continuously sitting in the bathtub! On the contrary, it often appears drier, flakier and more dehydrated. What causes this phenomenon and how is this paradox explained?

The role of water in our lives

Scientists have calculated that the human body consists of 60-80% water (the difference depends on the method of calculation). And to maintain the water balance we need to constantly drink fluids and consume products containing it in their composition. And it is not absorbed through the skin, although with its help we cleanse ourselves from impurities, as well as from microorganisms and harmful substances carried in the air.

Without detergents simple water can remove 30-35% of impurities. But at the same time, its effect can cause discomfort. Especially “hard” water containing large amounts of dissolved salts is very unpleasant. It does not moisturize, but dries the skin. The more salts it contains (the harder it is), the more negative effect it has.

Dermatologists are well aware of this problem. It is called xeroderma. Its symptoms are:

  • A feeling of tightness in the skin;
  • peeling;
  • Cracking and painful sensations.

Too many mineral salts make water hard. Particularly iron, magnesium and potassium. Entering the interaction with the lipid shell formed by fatty glands, such salts create insoluble, sticky and viscous substances.

They are not only a strong irritant, but also clog the external ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands. This is detrimental to all skin types, disrupting its natural moisture and lipid protection. And if you just wash your face with such water, irritation and peeling begin, because the normal vital functions of the body are disturbed and the natural defense mechanism is destroyed. The withering begins. And sometimes serious diseases develop.

You can soften the water:

  • by boiling (although this method is not considered too effective);
  • Adding soda or borax;
  • Preparing a soap solution.

You can also wash with melted water instead of tap water. If your skin is too sensitive, you can add milk to it.

If the problem were only a way of life, it would be much easier to solve and eliminated the usual decorative cosmetics. But its causes are much deeper.