Enlarged pores and what to do about them?

Among the cosmetic flaws of facial skin, one of the most common troubles are enlarged pores. Especially they are striking in the hot season, with the illiterate use of greasy cosmetics such as foundation. It is impossible to get rid of such skin peculiarity completely. But to make it as imperceptible as possible – in our power.

Causes of occurrence

Most often this problem occurs in people with oily skin, as well as with its combined type. The cause of enlarged pores is the peculiarities of the fatty glands. This defect is most noticeable on the chin, nose and forehead area. Pores of the skin of the cheeks are subjected to enlargement quite rarely. People often encounter this problem in the period of puberty.
This is due to the peculiarities of the activation of hormonal processes that affect the work of the glands that secrete fat.

From a physiological point of view, the cause of the problem is explained by the fact that in adolescence, the sebaceous glands begin to produce the product more intensively. Soot is rapidly and in large quantities is excreted on the upper part of the skin, accumulating in the already overcrowded pores. There is nothing left for them to do in such a situation but to expand. But why does this only occur in certain categories of people? The following factors influence the presence of enlarged pores:

  • An inherited oily type of epidermis;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Gender (men more often than women);
  • The period of puberty;
  • Environmental problems, smoking, uncontrolled alcohol intake;
  • Inappropriate diet with a predominance of animal products, spicy, fatty, smoked and sweet foods;
  • Not drinking enough water;
  • Uncontrolled sunbathing, excessive use of solariums (UV rays destroy collagen, reducing skin elasticity and the expansion of pores).

How to fight it?

Enlarged pores can make your face look unattractive. But, apart from aesthetic problems, the excessive functioning of the sebaceous glands can cause more unpleasant and serious consequences.
These include, for instance, comedones. They can be open and closed. In the first case, comedones are manifested by the appearance of black pimples, in the second – white. If no action is taken to eliminate the causes of the development of harmful microorganisms, inflammation occurs, there are pimples.

Therefore, women and men (although less often) are trying to find effective methods of eliminating this problem. To stop its development, it is necessary to regularly get rid of an oily layer on the skin, take good care of it. In this invaluable help will provide care products cosmetics, as well as procedures offered by beauty salons.